Sunday 30 November 2014

First Year English Guess Paper 2015

MCQ's (Synonyms) - Short Stories
Choose the best answer. 
1. Mr. Steward looked embarrassed. (successful, delighted, mysterious, upset)
2. Impulsively, she dropped them into her purse. (fortunately, probably, knowingly, instinctively)
3. Norma made a scoffing sound. (harsh, musical, mocking, soft)
4. Arthur stared at her, appalled. (amazed, happily, emotionally, terrified)
5. Norma made a contemptuous noise. (scornful, beautiful, faint, careful) 
6. Norma walked into the kitchen numbly. (staggering, feelinglessly, calmly, fearfully)
7. I could not protest to him now. (oppose, hurt, recommend, offend)
8. "Look at this Jess!" he bragged. (challenged, said, boasted, swore)
9. The long boughs of pines were fondling the substance of a white cloud. (caressing, hiding, peeping, covering) 
10. I had never seen anything extraordinary upon this high point of rugged land. (hard, soft, fertile, uneven)
11. My curiosity was aroused. (despair, eagerness, anger, joy)
12. He answered me curtly. (politely, roughly, civilly, openly) 
13. The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. (break, recognize, remind, make out)
14. Harry asked his children if they had been prowling up in the ruins. (sleeping, digging, looking, roaming) 
15. Laura stumbled through the settlement. (staggered, passed happily, walked vividly, strolled)
16. He was drenched in the hotness of his fear. (soaked, pushed, found, escaped)
17. He looked with dismay at their house. (gloom, joy, success, triumph)
18. She shook him until his teeth rattled. (broke, clattered, shown, removed)
19. He looked as if he were fourteen or fifteen, frail and willow-wild. (tall, healthy, short, weak)
20. "I want a pair of blue suede shoes, "said the boy. (rubber, leather, canvas, plastic)
21. The woman did not ask anything that could embarrass him. (make to feel ashamed, put him to trouble, torture, punish) 
22. The mayor was a stout serious man. (ugly, handsome, heavy, thin)
23. Mr. Hubert furiously lifted his hand. (angrily, pleasantly, tactfully, foolishly)
24. People called Mr. Hubert old rascal. (leader, peasant, rouge, master)
25. The grave of Hubert withstood the havocs of the flood. (destruction, grief, waves, extremes)
26. It only remained then to inaugurate him. (end, close, open, initiate) 
27. His thin figure was made all the more melancholy by the tight-fitting uniform. (gloomy, graceful, healthy, active)
28. Gentle applause broke out from every hand for Gorgios. (curse, clapping, dislike, abuse)
29. I ground my teeth in disgust. (happiness, sadness, outrage, gloom)
30. She shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically. (over-excitedly, sheepishly, sorrowfully, dejectedly) 
31. She had fought valiantly to keep me from knowing her secret. (comically, bravely, cowardly, furiously)
32. Sheik Saadi is perpetually modern. (eternally, lazily, wrongly, swiftly)
33. The slave had never experienced any calamity. (pleasure, happiness, disaster, bitterness)
34. The foundation of oppression was small. (justice, cruelty, pressure, beggary)
35. The melon was easily swallowed. (eaten, expelled, vomited, thrown)
36. These camels are of prodigious size. (small, medium, ordinary, enormous)
37. She was a feeble old woman. (weak, meek, cheerful, beautiful)
38. The smoke was rising from myriads of fire. (acrid, heaps, flames, heat)
39. The sunlight was perverted. (diverted, fierce, lovely, burning)
40. The countryside was devastated and mangled. (beautified, ruined, planted, fertile)
41. Luther said that unearned suffering is redemptive. (redeeming, unjust, hard, mild)
42. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. (enjoy, see, stumble, sing)
43. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California. (having curves, lofty, low, high)
44. Love and large-hearted giving leave sad marks. (generous, trivial, significant, tiny)
45. Maulvi Abul had slightly bulging eyes. (narrow, big, swelling, tiny)
46. Chaudhry Fatehdad reprimanded him for a mistake. (remind, reproved, taunted, appreciated)
47. Chaudhry Fatehdad's censure was purely religious. (reaction, decision, disapproval, statement)
48. He was enjoying his promenade in the bitter cold. (pleasure walk, wandering, cat walk, evening walk)
49. The pavement was thronged with pedestrians. (dirty, void, empty, packed)
50. The author had a vexing dream one night. (troublesome, pleasing, long, lovely)

Friday 11 April 2014

First Year English (PB) - Guess Paper 2014

Important Paragraphs for Translation
Paragraph No. 7
    When they finished eating, she got up and said. "Now here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes. And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor anybody else's -- because shoes got by devilish ways will burn your feet. I got to get my rest now. But from here on in, son, I hope you will behave yourself."
Paragraph No. 8
     There were chickens, pigeons and legs of mutton in the roast and an appetizing odour of roast, beef. Leaf and gravy dripping over the browned skin, which increased the appetite and made everybody's mouth water. Everyone told his affairs, his purchases and sales. The diners discussed the crops and the weather which was favourable for the green things but not for wheat. Suddenly, at the sound of drum beat in the court every body rose from the seats except a few ones who still had the food in their hands. 
Paragraph No. 9
     Our talk at the Club one day was of opportunity and determination. Some said opportunity was required for success, and millions never had it; others that only determination was needed. And then Jorkens joined in, all for determination. If a man was determined to get anything, and stuck to it long enough, he got it, said Jorkens. 

First Year English Guess Paper
Paragraph No. 10
     In the final unreasoning assault I overpowered the child's neck and jaws. I forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. And there it was - both tonsils covered with membrane. She had fought valiantly to keep me from knowing her secret. She had been hiding that sore throat for three days at least and lying to her parents in order to escape just such an outcome as this. 
Paragraph No. 11
     Once a king and a Persian slave were sailing in the same boat. The slave had never been at sea, and never experienced any calamity. After some-time the boat was hit by a storm and started tossing. It was very inconvenient for the passengers. All remained quiet except the slave who in fear of being drowned began to cry and tremble, and created inconvenience for the others. The others tried to pacify him by kindness and affection but he didn't hear anybody. When the uneasiness lasted longer the king also became displeased.
Paragraph No. 12 
     One evening, as the sun was setting, some travellers stayed to rest under a clump of trees, and loosening their camels, set them to graze. It happened that one of the animals entered a melon-field, and that a melon stuck in its throat. The owner, seeing this and fearing to lose the animal, tied a blanket round its throat, and then struck the place with all his might. Instantly the melon broke in the throat of the camel, and it was then easily swallowed.

Second Year English - Guess Paper